GEOL 1 - Physical Geology
Exam # 2: Study Guide - Summer 2014
exam date: Thursday, July 17, 2014 - 8:00 AM
Professor: Dr. Alessandro Grippo, Ph.D.
General Information | Last Updated July 13, 2014 | |
Cellular phones, iPods, Blackberries, Bluetooth, headphones, computers, pocket calculators, dictionaries, translators or, in general, ANY KIND of electronic device CANNOT be used during the test. All electronic devices MUST BE TURNED OFF: if a cell phone rings, if a light is visible, or a device is on while in class during test time, you will not be allowed to finish your test and your result will be invalidated.
You cannot use any text, manual, note, dictionary, pocket calculator, flash card, or any other source of information except your brain. You will NOT need a ruler for this test.
You will ONLY need to bring:
- one Scantron, Form 882-E
- a number 2 pencil
- an eraser
This study guide must be interpreted (literally) as a guide to the study of the subject and not as a listing of possible questions.
There is no additional information compared to what has been said, discussed, shown, illustrated in class.
It is YOUR personal responsability to cover the materials listed below on the lecture textbook, on the lab textbook, on the web pages, and on your notes.
I would strongly recommend that you peruse your notes for completeness of information: some information that has been detailed in class is only mentioned briefly on the textbooks, and you are responsible for covering that; know what the key terms and concepts are (see the list at the end of each chapter on both your textbook and your lab manual); exercise with the questions for review also found at the end of each chapter. Review the materials from your quizzes.
Read the summary at the end of each chapter, try to answer review questions, try to work with other fellow students if you find it useful.
Never hesitate to ask me questions in class or during the lab.
Jurassic ammonites from the Ammonitic Red Formation of the Italian Alps
Textbook chapters | Last Updated July 15, 2014 |
Please note that all pages and figures references are from the textbook 12th edition
Chapter 3 - Igneous Rocks, Intrusive Activity and the Origin of Igneous Rocks
- Read the Introduction
- Know The Rock Cycle
- Know Igneous Rocks
Among other things:
- Know very well the diagrams of Fig. 3.6, page 60, and Fig. 3.7, page 63 (which shows rock pictures), from the 12th edition. These are defined as "classification charts" on the textbook
- Notice and study the variation in texture and color in the six sample rocks of the last figure from above
- Use the previous figures together with Table 3.1, page 62
- Read section "In Greater Depth 3.1" on Pegmatites, page 61
- Know Intrusive Bodies (both shallow and deep)
- Know Abundance and Distribution of Plutonic Rocks
- Know How Magma Forms
- Know How Magmas of Different Composition Evolve (including Bowen's reaction series: there WILL be questions on it; study Fig. 3.20, page 71)
- Know Explaining Igneous Activity by Plate Tectonics
- Know in particular Table 3.2, page 75
Chapter 4 - Volcanism and Extrusive Rocks
- Know Pyroclastic Debris and Lava Flows
- Know Living with Volcanoes, and in particular:
- the Growth of an Island
- Effect on Climate
- Eruptive Violence and Physical Characteristics of Lava
- Know Extrusive Rocks and Gases
- Know Extrusive Rocks. Be sure to review table 4.1, page 93
- Know Types of Volcanoes. Be sure to review Table 4.2, page 97
- Know Lava Floods
- Know Submarine Eruptions
Chapter 5 - Weathering and Soil
- Know what Weathering, Erosion and Transportation are
- Know Weathering and Earth Systems
- Know How Weathering Changes Rocks
- Know Effects of Weathering
- Know everything about Mechanical Weatheringand Chemical Weathering.
- Be sure you know what the most important agents for both kinds are
- Be sure to know the consequences of both kinds of weathering on different rocks
- Know what the most common weathering products are
- Understand what happens in Table 5.1 and Figure 5.13, p. 122 (know the main chemical formulas)
- Know table 5.2, page 123
- Read the section "Environmental Geology 5.1" on the carbon cycle and climate on page 126
- Know all about Soil. Be sure to know also about the properties of clay minerals (remember the section on clay minerals on page 40)
- Know the difference between a clay mineral and a clay particle
- Read the section "In Greater Depth 5.2" on bauxite and aluminum, page 131 and know the main concepts
- You do NOT need to know Table 5.3 or Fig. 5.23, both on page 132
Chapter 6 - Sediment and Sedimentary Rocks
- Know the Introduction
- Know Sediment
- know what sediment is, how it gets eroded, transported, deposited
- know the processes of lithification, that change a clastic sediment into a clastic sedimentary rock
- know about compositional maturity, sorting, rounding and sphericity
- Know Types of Sedimentary Rocks: in particular, know the differences between clastic sedimentary rocks, crystalline sedimentary rocks, and organic sedimentary rocks
- Know the different types of sedimentary rocks
- Know Detrital (or clastic) Sedimentary Rocks
- know what porosity, pores, grains, cement, matrix are, and how their properties vary in different clastic sediments and sedimentary rocks
- remember the geologic meaning of, for instance, a quartz sandstone, an arkose, a graywacke
- know what fissility is (do not confuse fissility with foliation, which is typical of regional metamorphic rocks, see Chapter 7)
- Know Chemical Sedimentary Rocks: carbonate rocks, cherts and evaporites
- know the difference between carbonates produced inorganically and carbonates produced organically
- know which pelagic organisms are responsible for open-ocean sedimentation (see Protists on the Images web page)
- know what the C.C.D. (Carbonate Compensation Depth) is (see C.C.D. on the Stratigraphy web page)
- Know Organic Sedimentary Rocks
- know The Origin of Oil and Gas: be able to reason in terms of oxic and anoxic environments; be able to reason on photosynthesis and respiration; know and be aware that conditions on Earth in the past were different (for instance, during the Cretaceous)
- Know Sedimentary Structures (see also Sedimentary Structures and Colors on the Images web page)
- Know where you would find, among other structures, Graded Bedding and Cross-Bedding
- Know what a Turbidite is and where it would form, and its temporal meaning
- Know what Fossils are, and what they indicate (both Time and Environment of Deposition)
- Know what a Formation is (for instance, the Navajo Sandstone, or the Morrison Formation)
- Know Interpretation of Sedimentary Rocks
- Know what Transgression and Regression are (see text and Figure 6.41, page 164 in the 12th edition of the textbook)
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