Alessandro Grippo's earth Sciences pages

GEOL 5 - Earth History (with Lab)

Exam # 3, part II, Study Guide - Fall 2018

exam date: December 12, 2018, at 3:30 PM sharp!

Professor: Dr. Alessandro Grippo, Ph.D.

General InformationLast Updated  •  December 10, 2018    
Cellular phones, iPads, Androids, iPods, Blackberries, Bluetooth devices, headphones, computers or, in general, ANY KIND of electronic device CAN NOT be used during the test. All electronic devices MUST BE TURNED OFF: if a cell phone rings or a device is turned on in the classroom during test time, you will not be allowed to finish your test and your result will be invalidated.

You can not use any dictionary, translator, pocket calculator, flash card, or any external source of information. There will be no need for a ruler during this test. No hoods, hats, or anything that hides your ears will be allowed.

You will ONLY need to bring:

  1. one Scantron, Form 882-E
  2. a number 2 pencil
  3. an eraser

This study guide must be interpreted (literally) as a guide to the study of the subject and not as a listing of possible questions.
It is YOUR personal responsibility to cover the materials listed in this online study guide

  • in the lecture textbook
  • in the lab textbook
  • in "Fossil Ecosystems of North America"
  • on the web pages
  • in your notes.

I would strongly recommend that you peruse your notes for completeness of information: some information that has been detailed in class is only mentioned briefly on the textbooks, and you are responsible for covering that; know what the key terms and concepts are (see the list at the end of each chapter on both your textbook and your lab manual); exercise with the questions for review also found at the end of each chapter. Review the materials from your quizzes.
Read the summary at the end of each chapter, try to answer review questions, try to work with others if you find it useful.
Never hesitate to ask me questions in class or during a lab.

Bowman Lake, Montana

The Rocky Mountains' glacial landscape along the U.S. / Canada border:
Lake Bowman, Glacier National Park, Montana

This test will include about 60 questions; approximately 30 of them will be out of the Structural Geology powerpoint (see below), about 20 from the labs listed below, and about 10 from previously covered materials
Study Guide: part 1 - readings from "Fossil Ecosystems of North America"Last Updated  •  Deecember 11, 2018    

There will be NO questions out of Fossil Ecosystems of North America on this test

Study Guide: part 2 - LECTURELast Updated  •  December 11, 2018    

This test is partially cumulative. It will include some general questions covering all of the chapters studied so far, including chapters 8 and 9 that were partially covered when talking about Plate tectonics.

Chapter 8 - The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Know the whole chapter

  1. Know the History of Alfred Wegener's continental drift theory
  2. Know about the rise of Plate Tectonics
  3. Know about paleomagnetism
  4. Know about deformation, strike and dip (see also the online notes for this section, parts I, II, and III)
  5. Review the Structural Geology and Tectonics powerpoint
  6. Know faults and folds (folds are mentioned in Chapter 9 on the textbook but you should have in-depth notes on both faults and folds, including materials on their classification, on strike and dip, on the hanging wall and the foot wall, etc.).
  7. Know about faulting and volcanism (seismic and volcanic activity) along Plate Boundaries
  8. Know about Plate Movements, including measuring the movement, hot spots, thermal plumes, etc.

Chapter 9 - Continental Tectonics and Mountain Chains
Know the whole chapter

  1. Know about the Rifting of Continents
  2. Know about Mountain Building, including examples
  3. Know about Suturing of Small Landmasses to Continents (exotic terranes)
  4. Know about the Tectonics of Continental Interiors

Chapters 1 through 6: review the main concepts. Plate Tectonics, Chemistry, Rock and Minerals (Sedimentary Rocks in particular), Paleontology and Life on Earth, Modern and Ancient Sedimentary Environments, Stratigraphy, Evolution.
Study Guide: part 3 - LABLast Updated  •  December 11, 2018    

Keys for all of these labs are available to you online. Make sure to take advantage of them.

Chapter 5 - Tectonic Setting
This is the most complex lab among the ones that will be on the test.

  1. Know Tectonic Settings
  2. Know the Tectonic Setting - Sedimentary Rock Connection
  3. Know Facies and Association of Beds
  4. Know Summary of Association and Settings
  5. Be prepared to answer questions on the style of those of the lab

Chapter 6 - Sea-Floor Spreading and Plate Tectonics
This chapter was only partially covered during our lab meetings; still, all of the topics have been discussed during lecture and in some of the other labs. While I will not ask direct questions out of it, I would strongly recommend that you review its pages, particularly for what concerns the sections about plate tectonics and paleomagnetism, and how different stratigraphic methods can be integrated in the analysis of a problem.

  1. Know the whole chapter
  2. Know names and location of the main plates
  3. Know what paleomagnetism is
  4. Be able to solve any problem in this chapter

Chapter 7 - Age Relations and Unconformities
This lab reviews the basic concepts of relative dating and of unconformities. Be sure to review the illustrated unconformities page on the web.

  1. Know Criteria for Age Relations
  2. Skip The Method of Multiple Working Hypotheses
  3. Know Unconformity
  4. Skip Episodes of Precambrian History

Chapter 8 - Rock Units and Time-Rock Units
This lab reviews the basic concepts of correlation.

  1. Know the Introduction
    • Know how to operate with the different units (rock units, time-rock units, time units, biostratigraphic units, etc.)
    • Know what rock units, or Formations, are
    • Know what fossils are
    • Know how to correlate (in this case, but also in general, as from textbook chapter 6)
  2. Know the Standard Geologic Column
  3. Skip Absolute Age Determination (this part will be on the next test)
  4. Know Formations of the Colorado Plateau

Chapter 9 - Ancient Shorelines

  1. Know what paleogegraphy is, and how it is possible to reconstruct it with the aid of isopach maps; what isopach lines are; how an isopach map is different from a facies map
  2. Know what a facies is
  3. Be sure to understand what a map such as that of fig. 9.1 page 89 means and how it works; know the answer to, among others, question 2 on the same page
  4. Know what transgression and regression are
  5. Know what Walther's Law says
  6. Know what formations and groups are (rock units, or lithostratigraphic units; see also lab manual chapter 8 and your textbook)

Chapter 10 - Fossils and Their Living Relatives (Fossils and Living Protoctista, Sponges, Corals, Bryozoans and Brachiopods)

  1. Review the Introduction, with special attention to the paragraphs on
    • What is a Fossil?
    • Preservation of Fossils
    but also be able to discuss the main points of "Classification and Nomenclature"
    Study these paragraphs together with materials on the Textbook and on the web
  2. Fossils and Living Protoctista: main characteristics and range of Coccoliths, Diatoms, Foraminifera, and Radiolaria
  3. Sponges: main characteristics (structure, environments) and range
  4. Corals and related Cnidarians: main characteristics (structure, environments) and range
    know, among other things, about the structure of cnidarians; know the conditions for coral existence, and what symbiosis is (page 116)
  5. Bryozoa: main characteristics (structure, environments) and range
  6. Brachiopoda: main characteristics (structure, environments) and range

Chapter 11 - Fossils and Their Living Relatives (Mollusks, Arthropods, Echinoderms, Graptolites, and Plants)
  1. Mollusca: main characteristics (structure, environments), and range (pages 125 and 133), with special attention to Cephalopods
  2. Arthropoda: main characteristics (structure, environments), and trilobites range (page 139)
  3. Echinodermata: main characteristics (structure, environments)
  4. Graptolites: main characteristics (structure, environments)
  5. Know:
  6. Fossil Plants: main types (non-vascular vs. vascular plants, including seedles plants, gymnosperms, and angiosperms), characteristics (structure, environments) and range (page 151)

Chapter 12 - Fossils Indicators of Age, Environment, and Correlation
This chapter lets you apply the principles of biostratigraphy. We have already studied all the materials in this chapter during the semester, except the section on The Habitat of Marine Life and part of the Trace Fossils section. Be sure to include those in your study materials.

  1. Know Fossils and Age Determinations
  2. Know Biozones and Biostratigraphy
  3. skip A Graphic Method of Correlation
  4. review the concepts for Interpretation of an Outcrop in Southern Illinois
  5. review the concepts for Interpretation of an Outcrop in Central Illinois
  6. Know Fossil and Paleoenvironments
  7. Know The Habitat of Marine Life (very important! this section names marine environments)
  8. Know Invertebrate Trace Fossils

Chapter 14 - Geologic Maps and Geologic Structures
All of the materials from this chapter have been covered in Chapters 8 and 9 from the Textbook. Stop at page 194

  1. Know the Introduction
  2. Know Attitude, Strike and Dip
  3. Know Folds
  4. Know Faults
  5. There will be no questions from the other paragraphs (stop at page 200, no questions out of pages 195-217)

Chapter 15 - Canadian Shield and Basement Rocks of North America

  1. Know The Basement Rocks
  2. There will be no questions from the other paragraphs (stop at page 222, no questions out of pages 222-234)

Chapter 16 - Mountain Belts of North America

  1. Know Hypothesis for the Origin of Mountain Belts
  2. Know The Appalachian Orogenic Belt
  3. Review The Cordilleran Orogenic Belt: Pacific Ranges
  4. Review The Cordilleran Orogenic Belt: Colorado and Wyoming Rocky Mountains
  5. Review Map Interpretation of Mountain Belts

Chapter 17 - The Interior Plains and Plateaus

  1. Know Major structural Features
  2. Skip Interpretation of the Geologic Map of North America
  3. Know Interpretation of Geologic Structure Sections, part IV "Submergence of the Ozark Dome"

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Los Angeles, California