Santa Monica College Earth Science

SPRING session 2007

Professor: Dr. Alessandro Grippo, Ph.D.
GEOL 5 - HISTORICAL GEOLOGYLast Updated  •  March 31, 2007

GEOL 5, HISTORICAL GEOLOGY lecture and lab
Class Hours:
Tuesday (lecture), 6.45-9.45, Drescher Hall, room 207
Thursday (lab), 6.45-9.45, Drescher Hall, room 128

Lecture Textbook: S. M. Stanley, Earth System History, 2nd edition (2005), W. H. Freeman and Company, New York
Lab Textbook:B. L. Smith, Laboratory Studies in Earth History, 8th edition (2004), McGraw Hill

Exams include both lecture and lab materials.
There will be no class after the exam.
The final exam will be cumulative for both lecture and lab, and will include older materials and new materials (the ones covered after the second exam)

1 - Tuesday, March 20, 2007: study guide
2 - Tuesday, May 1, 2007: study guide
3 - Thursday, June 7, 2007 (cumulative Final Exam): study guide

GEOL 35 - FIELD STUDIES: CALIFORNIALast Updated  •  March 31, 2007

Class Hours: Friday, 3.00 - 6.00, Drescher Hall 128
Meeting Attendance and 3-days Field-trip mandatory

Textbook: no textbook is required
but a good introduction to California geology can be found in
D. R. Harden, California Geology, 2nd edition (2004), Pearson Prentice Hall

Preparatory Meetings:
1 - Friday, February 23, 2007 - Plate Tectonics, Earth's Interiors and Structure, Geologic Structures
2 - Friday, March 2, 2007 - Atoms and Minerals; Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
3 - Friday, March 9, 2007 - Sedimentary Rocks; Relative and Absolute Time; Preparation for the field trip

Field Trip:
Owens Valley, March 16 to 18, 2007
leave Santa Monica College parking lot at 8.00 AM sharp on March 16, 2007
return to Santa Monica College parking lot evening/night of March 18, 2007

Please refer to syllabus for detail on what to bring and what to wear
Safety and common sense are essential to successful field trips. All Santa Monica College rules and regulations for student behavior such as NO alcohol or drugs and the assumption that everyone will be treated with respect will be strictly enforced

Tentative schedule:
March 16: leave Santa Monica, stops in Palmdale (San Andreas fault), Lancaster (gasoline and supplies), Little Lake (Fossil Falls and Red Hill); lunch at Coso Junction rest area (bring your own food/drinks); Owens Lake, Alabama Hills; arrival in Bishop
March 17: leave Bishop for Lee Vining, with stops along the way (see map); possible stop at Mono Lake if time permits; return to Bishop
March 18: leave Bishop for Big Pine and road to Death Valley, with stops along the way (see map); possible stop at Eureka sand dunes if time permits (this destination includes about 24 miles along an unpaved, dusty road; 4-WD not required); return to Big Pine and travel south on 395; stop at Red Rock Canyon; arrival in Santa Monica


Final Meeting:
4 - Friday, March 30, 2007 (short student presentations)
Field trip pictures:
Pictures taken during the field trip

last updated: March 31, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
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