Alessandro Grippo's geology web pages

Labs and assignments Last Updated  •  November 30, 2016    
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Geology 252: Historical Geology (with Lab)

  • A key to the Plate Tectonics Lab, (Chapter 6, part I; available since September 14, 2016)
  • A key to the Textural Clues to the History of Sediment Lab (Chapter 2; available since October 8, 2016)
  • A key to the Sedimentary Rocks under the Microscope Lab (Chapter 3; available since October 8, 2016)
  • A key to the Ancient Sedimentary Environments lab (Chapter 4; available since October 15, 2016)
  • A key to the Tectonic Settings lab (Chapter 5; available since November 1, 2016)
  • A key to the Age Relations and Unconformity lab (Chapter 7; available since November 1, 2016)
  • A key to The Advance and Retreat of Ancient Shorelines lab (Chapter 9; available since November 1, 2016)
  • A key to the Fossils and their Living Relatives lab (Chapter 10, part I; available since November 3, 2016)
  • A key to the Rock Units and Time-Rock Units lab (Chapter 8, parts I and II; available since November 20, 2016)
  • A key to the Plate Tectonics Lab, (Chapter 6, part II; available since since November 24, 2016)
  • A key to the Fossil Indicators of Age, Environments, and Correlation Lab, (Chapter 12; available since since November 30, 2016)
  • A key to the Geologic Maps and Geologic Structures Lab, (Chapter 14; available since since November 30, 2016)
  • A key to the Canadian Shield and Basement Rocks of North America Lab, (Chapter 15; available since since December 2, 2016)
  • A key to the Mountain Belts of North America (Chapter 16) and the Interior Plains and Plateaus labs (Chapter 17; available since December 2, 2016)

  • A key to Field Trip 1, October 21, 2016 (available since November 20, 2016)
  • A key to Field Trip 2, November 18, 2016 (available since November 20, 2016)

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Los Angeles, California